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Applications & Scholarships 

Registration and scholarship applications are now closed, thank you for all your thoughtful responses and amazing work!  We will be notifying applicants by May 27th.  We will be hosting more workshops in the future, so please stay tuned!
Registration fees are sliding scale:
$150-$450/all 3 days

We encourage participants to attend all 3 days as each day will build on the last.  We also ask that participants with access to steady income and/or wealth and are able to support at higher ranges of the scale, to please do so as your support is part of our movement towards increased access to birth education.


* Please note this workshop is a people of color only space. Please apply to join us if you self-identify as African American/Black/of the African Diaspora, Chican@/Latin@, Multiracial/Mixed-Race, displaced Indigenous, Asian, South Asian, West Asian/Arab, Pacific Islander, First Nations, Alaskan Native, Native American, or any other ancestry that has molded your life experience as a person of color.  Non-POC identified folks and allies are respectfully asked to not apply.  This workshop is also geared towards trans and queer experiences/identities.  Non-queer (heterosexual/straight) people of color are respectfully asked to step back and make space for trans and queer people of color to apply.   We intend to open this workshop to more folks in solidarity with QTPOC communities in the future.

© 2014 Q/TPOC Birthwerq Project

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