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DONATE to the Q/TPOC Birthwerq


You can also call (415) 617-9475

Your generous support will help fund future workshops about:

-Insemination Practices 
-Abortion Hirstory & Practices 
-Adoption Practices 
-Miscarriage and Still-Birth
-Lactation Support for Transfolks
-Placenta Practices 
All of these workshops will be for trans* and queer folks of color to increase their awareness and knowledge about these many aspects of pregnancy.  We hope that q/tpoc may be able to confidently support and offer educational resources to fellow community members experiencing any of these pregnancy journeys.  We also intend to create future workshops that are open to all communities where folks can learn about how to work in solidarity with q/tpoc during pregnancy.  
To make a donation through paypal, click the button to the right:
Click here to read more about why this first Q/TPOC Doula Workshop is necessary and how you can support making this workshop happen for Q/TPOC anywhere.  Please spread the word!  Your support is so appreciated!
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